Huron Committees
Huron Committees & Community
There are lots of ways you can connect at Huron - whether you want to meet new friends and have a coffee, or join a group to make things happen! Here are some of the ways Huron comes together.
Huron School Council
Approximately once a month in the evening (9 meetings per year total), Huron parents and caregivers come together to discuss Huron’s inner workings! We follow a formal agenda which usually covers a treasury report, ward news, principal’s report, the latest in fundraising, community needs, curriculum enhancement and more! Join us on Zoom or if you come in person, there is childcare and pizza for the kids! All are welcome! If you would like to be added to the council email list please opt in below or click here.
Huron Community Needs & Support Committee
Huron is made up of a diverse demographic of families- so our community has a diverse range of needs reflected and supports required! This committee begins by developing a web of connection between parents through classroom Parent Reps. These reps are then able to develop a classroom community and communicate the needs of the parents in each class to the Parent Council. Secondly, through these reps, teachers and the office, this committee anonymously receives requests from families who have needs they do not have the resources to meet (ex. grocery gift cards, winter coats, indoor shoes) and we then discreetly source and shop to support these families. If you love building community, giving back and working with others to support our community, this committee is for you! If you would like more information, Contact:
Huron Fabulous Fundraising Committee (The FFC)
It takes a fun team to come together and execute all the community events at the school! If you are feeling FABULOUS and want to join in, you are welcome! You can do anything from share on social media to help us set up a movie night, our ‘Hawk Shop’ sales, Halloween Haunt, lend a cleaning hand at any event, or ANYTHING in between! All talents and energy have a place and everyone is welcome! Let the team know if you have any questions:
Huron Pizza Lunch Team
One of our favourite things around the school (both with the kids and at home!) is PIZZA DAY! Our pizza day team helps make things run smoothly during the day and helps hand out slices. Pizza Lunches are split into 2 terms. Volunteering for the whole year, or for part of the year is helpful and so fun! The first dates for 2023/4 are below.
Semester 1 Pizza Dates are:
Oct 11 | Oct 25 | Nov 8 | Nov 22 | Dec 6 | Dec 20 | Jan 10 | Jan 24
Huron Spring Picnic Committee
Each Year Huron does a few key fundraising events - but the HURON SPRING PICNIC is one of the biggest! There are tons of moving parts and room for lots of Huron hands! Reporting to the Picnic Chair, every year there are leads who step up to run the Food, Bake Sale, Volunteer, Auction, Donation, Logistics, Set Up, Clean Up, Games, Arts & Crafts, Book Sale, Ticket Sales and more! There are TONS of volunteer opportunities under each lead during planning and especially on the day of this beloved annual event. So watch for your opportunity to sign up! Or, let them know that you are available asap! Connect at
Huron Welcoming Committee
This heartfelt group helps to organize and volunteer at school registration events, giving tours where appropriate and assisting in answering questions wherever possible. Volunteers here may also help organize events such as First Day of School Coffee for Caregivers, so there is a sense of ease and community created for those who are just starting out at Huron, and to help introduce them to those who may have already gotten used to the feeling of those ‘first day jitters’ with a few siblings. Other events volunteers may help with are the ‘Welcome Back BBQ’ in the fall. Throughout the year, this committee can help by ensuring arriving families are given Welcome Packages, and tours if appropriate.